Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Any Wednesday...

Just like all the was booorrriiing. Long and drawn out. Started out running late and had to do busy work all day just to stay busy-until about three and then all kinds of requests started rolling in. So at least I will be busy tomorrow. Feast or famine, that is how it is this time of year. You are either so busy you can't get caught up or the phone is just not ringing. But it doesn't stay that way for long.
This is a short week for me so I will not gripe too much. After taking a long weekend I was actually pretty much ready to go yesterday, got in early and got a lot done. I have been getting home and spending time on the stationary bike working those calories off and sweating like a pig. But I have about 25 more pounds I want to lose and I would love to get rid of what is left of my gut and stick to a healthy weight. Fingers crossed.
School is getting ready to start again, I have one starting college in a week and another in the fifth grade stating the next week. Neither one seems too excited about going, but I will be glad to see everyone back in a normal routine. Not much else to say today except gas is going down and the temperature is going back up. Which is about normal for this time of year so no use complaining. It has been a pretty mild summer thus far especially compared to a couple of years ago when we had 30+ days of over 100° temps. It even rained a little this afternoon as I was leaving work.
Well when all you have to talk about is the weather and gas prices, I guess that means there is not much to say. Til next time...

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