Sunday, July 20, 2014

Small Town Saturday Night...

Once again it is late, the house is quiet and half of the weekend has sped by. This week has been long but the time off is blowing past like crazy. My middle child turned 18 on the tenth, so last weekend we took her out to eat and then let her experience the wonderful world of Win Star Casino. Needless to say she was not impressed. She was thrilled that they have a Dairy Queen there which makes me happy that she still likes the simple things, but sad that she is an adult (almost). So after recovering from the night out we spent Sunday catching up on chores and preparing for the week.
The week went by kind of slow, it was hot and I had a lot of work in the field and was not enjoying the heat, but low and behold Wendesday all of that changed and we had three really cool rainy days which were a welcome break. We needed the rain and the 70 degree days are awesome especially in July, but that meant I was inside doing busy work for the rest of the week which made it really drag...
So today the wife and I got up early and hit the Farmer's Market and loaded up on some really nice local produce and then headed to Wal-Mart with everybody else. By the time we got home my knees were a wreck and I laid up on the couch and promptly fell asleep. Later, we enjoyed a great dinner and hung out in front of the TV and laughed and carried on, now everyone is settling in for the night and I decide to put the "pen to paper" as it were, since I have kind of neglected this for seversl days.
The diet is going good, down to 220 for the first time in ages, but the weekends kill me, I tend to "bored eat" everything I can get my hands on, so I am trying to keep that to a minimum.
A lot going on in the news with the Isreali conlict, the airliner being shot down, and local odd ball stuff happeining around here. Glad to be where I am, in a safe place away from all the crap this silly world throws out. Hug you kids, say your prayers and I hope you are in a safe place too. Until next time...

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